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since 30.11.2023, current actuality unknown
Der interoperable INSPIRE-Viewdienst (WMS) zu Lebensräume und Biotope enthält die aktuellen Ergebnisse der Biotopkartierung bzgl. FFH-Lebensraumtypen (LRT). Es sind Flächen-, Linien- und Punktgeometrien von FFH-Lebensräumen im Land Brandenburg zu sehen. Gemäß der INSPIRE-Datenspezifikation Habitats and Biotopes (D2.8.III.18_v3.0) liegen die Inhalte des Biotopkatasters INSPIRE-konform vor. Der WMS beinhaltet einen Punkt-,Linien- und Polygonlayer. --- The compliant INSPIRE view service (WMS) Habitat provides an overview of the biotope and Natura200-habitat mapping. A biotope in the sense of this biotope mapping is an area that can be clearly delineated in the terrain with a relatively uniform vegetation and / or utilisation structure. An area or a part of the landscape can be assessed by biotope mapping in terms of its importance for the natural balance. The geodata comprises area, line and point habitats according to the Flora-Fauna Habitat Directive in the state of Brandenburg.The content of the habitat classification map is compliant to the INSPIRE data specification for the annex theme Habitats and Biotopes (D2.8.III.18_v3.0). The WMS consists of a point, line and polygon layer.
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Datenlizenz Deutschland – Zero – Version 2.0